Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Flatulent Chuckles of the Gray Headed MAn

I fear the day when someone farts really loud and I dont at least crack a smile...then I will know that I am truly old

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Just found out tonight that someone who I care about very much lost a family member. Although I never met the person, I feel pain and sorrow for my dear freind who helped me through so many of my own tough times

Friday, December 20, 2013

What Your Life's Movie Be Like?

If my life were to be made into a movie then the special effects budget would be next to nothing. No explosions or car chases in this feature film. In fact, if I were to play myself I would need to overact and I would probably forget most of my own lines.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

11/11 - Impulsivity – A True Love Story

Call it spontaneity or call it impulsivity or even call it serendipity, a sudden decision made on one November 11th changed my life forever. I was in my late 20’s and my girlfriend and I decided to take a trip together to Las Vegas to have some fun. We had been together at the time for just slightly over a year, and although we were in a committed relationship, we had never really discussed our future goals or plans and marriage had never even been mentioned at all, by either one of us.

We arrived in Las Vegas from New Jersey on a Sunday in November of 1998 and as expected we immediately began having a good time on our trip. On our third day there, November 11, 1998 we had a spontaneous conversation that I am sure that neither of us will ever forget. There was nothing particularly special going on that day yet after a less than 5 minute conversation that evening we decided to just get married right then and there. We were in our street clothes and we bought the rings at a stand in the middle of the mall for $20 just so we had something to use for the ceremony. Then we just picked a chapel at our convenience and we got married, just like that. She wasn’t pregnant or anything so there really was no underlying agenda, and were weren’t blackout drunk or under the influence of any drugs either. It was just a spur of the moment idea that we both decided to kind of just run with in the moment, which we did.

If you ask either of us, both of us will say that we did not plan that to happen at the time as it was a truly spontaneous decision. Who knows, maybe it was on both of our minds on a subconscious level but we’ll never really know for sure. The next morning I can remember both of us looking at one another trying to feel each other out to see if the other person had any regrets without really coming out and asking. I had to call my mother from a pay phone and tell her what we did which was a shock for her I am sure. We waited until we got home to tell my wife’s parents if I remember correctly. Then, from there, the vacation simply continued the way it would have as if nothing had happened, the only exception was that we were married.

So here it is 11/11/13, exactly 15 years (and five kids) later: (It turns out we are pretty spontaneous about having kids as well) What stands out to me is that, just like that first awkward “day after” when we woke up feeling each other out about one another’s reactions to the sudden decision to marry, neither of us has ever made any statement about regretting that day or that decision. Instead, speaking from my own perspective, I have nothing but appreciation, admiration, as well as enduring love for the wonderful relationship and partnership with my beautiful wife that has grown from that unusually special day 15 years ago. It truly was the best impulsive decision I have ever made. I love you with all of my heart Marie, my beloved wife, happy 15th anniversary.

                                         (photo by Marie Pecoraro)